Mountain Plains Regional Disaster Health Response System

MPRDHRS is a collaborative effort, housed at Denver Health & Hospital Authority, in partnership with HHS Region VIII: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming, funded by the Administration of Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to improve medical surge and clinical specialty capabilities during an emergency and save lives.


Build a disaster network, establish and operationalize a partnership for Denver Health Response


Align plans, policies, processes and procedures related to clinical excellence in disasters


Increase statewide and regional medical surge capacity


Improve statewide and regional situational awareness


Develop readiness metrics and conduct an exercise to test capabilities


Implementation, managing incidents, HIMS Unites real-time with hospital incident command system

Program Capabilities


Build a disaster network, establish and operationalize a partnership for Disaster Health Response


Align plans, policies, processes and procedures related to clinical excellence in disasters


Improve statewide and regional situational awareness


Increase statewide and regional medical surge capacity


Develop readiness metrics and conduct an exercise to test capabilities

Current Updates

IV Solution Shortage Resource Support

In light of the potential IV solution shortages in facilities across Region VIII, MPRDHRS has gathered resources for our partners to inform situational awareness, medication management, and vendor updates. This information can be accessed here.

This resource guide will be updated as new information is made available. Last Updated: 12/10/2024.

Additionally, quick reference guides developed by Denver Health, can be accessed to inform adult oral rehydration and the use of small & large volume fluids amidst the shortage. (Last Updated: 10/24/2024)

If you are aware of additional resources available that are not listed, or would like to request assistance from the MPRDHRS Medical Advisory Panel, please email

MPRDHRS Medical Advisory Panel | Blood Culture Bottle Shortage

The Mountain Plains Regional Disaster Health System Medical Advisory Panel (MPRDHRS MAP) provided expert guidance and supported an informative webinar on August 29th 2024, in response to the ongoing blood culture bottle shortage impacting healthcare facilities that utilize the Becton Dickinson (BD) bottle. Dr. Anuj Mehta and Dr. Matt Wynia have written an opinion piece on what can be learned from this shortage in MedPage here: What Can We Learn From Blood Culture Bottle Shortage? | MedPage Today

The webinar recording can be accessed here and the guidance can be viewed here: Microsoft Word – MPRDHRS MAP blood culture interim guidance (

Rural EMS Education Series | Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Andra Farcas, MD,  FAEMS, presents on the high quality management of cardiac arrest in rural settings. The recorded session can be viewed here:

Visit the Rural EMS Education Series Repository to view all other previously recorded sessions.  

The live Rural EMS Education Series session occurs every 4th Wednesday of the month from 6PM-8PM MST. Free CE’s are available to attendees of the live session, registration can be accessed here.

Rural EMS Education Series | High Yield EKG Refresher

Steve Rydquist, FP-C, CC-P, provides a 3-hour high yield EKG refresher geared towards ALS providers. The recorded session can be viewed here:

Visit the Rural EMS Education Series Repository to view all other previously recorded sessions.

The live Rural EMS Education Series session occurs every 4th Wednesday of the month from 6PM-8PM MST. Free CE’s are available to attendees of the live session, registration can be accessed here.

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